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Training & Social Runs

Social Runs usually take place on a Tuesday, though dependent on the race schedule (listed below) can move to a Thursday. We meet at Rutland Sports Park and run leaders, spanning various paces, set out on a 5-7mi (8-11km) route.

Training sessions typically takes place on a Thursday, meeting at Rutland Sports Park before either making use of the on-site track or travelling locallySessions are a mix of track, hill and speed sessions that last usually up to an hour (including a warm up) which cater for all individuals at the club.

The schedule is often affected by either league or handicap races, but the most up to date schedule is listed below.

Training & Race schedule for May & June


2nd May - Social Runs

7th May - BDL Race at Cromford

9th May - Track Session

14th May - 2nd Summer Handicap

16th May - Away Day Social Runs (Crich Monument)

17th May - IRC Awards Night

21th May - Social Runs

22th May - Notts AAA Race at Newark

23th May - Track Session

28th May - Social Runs

30th May - Speed (non-track) Session

4th June - BDL Race at Denby

6th June - Social Runs

11th June - Social Runs

12th June - Notts AAA Race at Wollaton Park

13th June - Away Day Social Runs (Venue TBC)

14th June - Hairy Helmet Relays

18th June - 3rd Summer Handicap

20th June - Social Runs

25th June - Social Runs

27th June - Track Session

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